here's Mario and his pony friends Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dash Fluttershy Applejack Rarity and Pinkie Pie in their Halloween costumes they're all dressed up for Halloween so i wish you guys a Happy Halloween
i used this background: 985 Haunted House Background
i used this render: Halloween Mario Render
i used these vectors: Bunch of Pumpkins [Free to Use] Gem Pack 2 Magic amulet (free stock) MLP Magical Aura Rarity Mermaid Twilight Centurion Astronaut Rainbowdash Fluttershy's masquerade costume Lionjack Pinkie Pie in roller skate Costume
used my own cutie marks: Bat Cutie Mark Bats Cutie Mark Pumpkin Cutie Mark Spider Cutie Mark
and i add the wings: Stella's Hallowinx wings
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