Hey, Silvy, do you think you, probably with help form others (like Ocellus, maybe Terramar, probably Skystar, maybe two of them or all of the above) can give the rest of your friends swimming lessons?
Gallus: No
Silverstream: Aww. Why not?
Smolder: Don’t mind him. He’s just grumpy because he looks like a freaked out cat once he gets a bucket of water poured on him.
Yona: Yona not sure about this
Sandbar: Aww come on Yona! it’ll be fun!
Ocellus: Yeah! Although… I can only swim well in a seapony form *grins sheepishly*
Upvotes at import: 69 | Stars at import: 43 Posted previously at: 2018-10-29T06:40:39 | Posted previously by: Zyr87
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