He's an alicorn Knight from other region near Equestria and he's Archenemy of Willa Wispral since they were babies, when he was a colt he shown great interest in becoming Knight, for which across the years he strove until he accomplish his dream, when he officially became Knight he was named: Sir Hyper Wing, one occasion he was in exchange with Shining Armor, which he is he's best friend like Celestia's other royal guards, But his disgrace began when he lose his girlfriend who died on that same fire on Canterlot that Willa arsoned, and he stopped her in the middle of her plan to arson Canterlot while he has a strong armor, no magic affects him, and he brought her to her exile himself, since that day he demonstrate hate against witches and their spells. Even after his exchange with his mentor Shining Armor, he decided to live in Ponyville to relax himself, after the lose of his girlfriend. He's a sword master and magic, for which it's easy to know how he easily defeated Willa. And he also remembered he was on service of a young prince same his age, despite all the suffering, h decides keeping wearing his armor to demonstrate loyalty to friend he wants to make.
Personality: Calmed, Fair, Serious (In battle), Gentle, Attractive, Warm, Funfilled, Strategic, Fast-Thinking
Age: 20 years old
Relatvives: Deceased Girlfriend, Fall Harvest (Mother), Bronze Brine (Father)
Best Friends (Perfect Compatibility): Professor Jolt, Tikka Sunrise, Aroma Sweet, Magna Fashion, Soiree Haunter, Shining Armor, Flash Sentry, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, Cyrax
Worst Friends (Enemies):Peach Ruby, Lone Sharker, Goldar Glint, Freezing Fright, Thunder Terror, Magma Gloom, Toxic Horror, Willa Wispral
Cutie Mark: A Blue Shield with a crown and a wing
House: A cottage aside of a cliff in Canterlot
Abilities: Sword Combat, Poetic Language, Flight, Magic, Speed, Physical Strenght, Teleport, Light Magic
Favorite Character (real or ficticional): King Arthur
Likes: His Sword, White Magic, Cheese with Bread and Wine, Poetry, Armors, Color Silver, Fight, Castles, Doves, Magic Spells, Crowns, Ghosts
Dislikes: Sorcery, Witches, Curses, Witchcraft, Black Magic, Willa Wispral, Heat, Fire
Art © shadymeadow
MLP:FiM © Hasbro