The very first movie to kick off Ponibooru Film Night for 2019… and I can't find proof that it even exists. It's called Phoenix Force and I had to make a fake logo because all i get is X-Men crap and even when I looked up the imdb pages of the producer for this movie, it wasn't on their list. I even ommited x-men and marvel from the search engine and still couldn't find the movie. So if you want to spend a saturday with one of the most enigmatic pieces of cinema ever created, hop on down. After that, probably more cringey Star Fox fanfic readings and some Warframe.
Location in the source
*Times will be Sat 1/5 4pm pst/ 7pm est/ Midnight gmt*
Upvotes at import: 15 | Stars at import: 9 Posted previously at: 2019-01-05T23:00:11 | Posted previously by: DaisyHead
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