Some character building for this brief interlude. There’s some history here that I don’t know how to put into the main story of the comic. And honestly, it doesn’t have a huge bearing on the outcome, so it shouldn’t be too detrimental if it doesn’t get covered anywhere but here.
Anyway, Cadance’s Biography:
Cadance’s early history matches the show canon closely. Cadance was born a pegasus, found in the woods by an earth pony couple who took her in. When faced by the corrupted Prismia, Cadance won the day with her overwhelming compassion and love. This power flowed through her and sent her to a secret realm none knew existed. None except the Empress.
Empress Moon saw the raw power in this fledgling alicorn. And best of all, she was young enough to be molded to fit the Empress’ purposes, a powerful ally should she need it. So Nightmare Moon took in the young Cadance and taught her the ways of her court, the good and bad. All throughout her life at the castle, it was instilled in her that loyalty to the Empress was paramount. Nightmare Moon personally made it quite clear that if Cadance ever betrayed her, she would live up to her name and make Cadance’s life a never ending nightmare.
So the young alicorn had little choice but to submit and comply.
As she grew older, she became the Empress’ voice during the daylight hours, ensuring her will was carried out. She also became the face of the Empire to the diurnal creatures though no one would make the mistake of thinking Cadance was the Empress’ equal. After all, she was a only princess by the grace of the Empress and clearly just another pawn.
Though she is compliant and puts up a brave face, Cadance isn’t happy about the state of her life. Firstly. She has no love of the way the Nightmare rules her empire. Her nature is that of compassion, not harsh rigidity, punishing any who step out of line. Though she must carry it out, it sickens her that she must command dissenters to be ‘disappeared.’ She can’t help but feel empathy for them and their families. The thoughts that these ponies have valid points sometimes are very frightening but yet…
Secondly, it is well known that once an advantageous match is found, she will enter into an arranged marriage. Her own feelings mean nothing, even if directed at a certain well-bred stallion from a long line of loyal vassals. Not that it stops her expressing affection for Shining Armor in the short term. Though they tried to keep it secret, it was foolish. The Empress knows all. She simply warned her young ‘niece’ to not get too attached. He is just a disposable soldier.
It almost enough to push the Princess of Love into doing something rash.