Rainbow Dash Day 2019 of Equestria Daily is drawing near and for the occasion I made a wire sculpture of Rainbow Dash.
It took the better part of three days to make her, but I am quite happy with how she turned out. Here is a little sketch I had made before to get an idea about the kind of pose I wanted to have for the wire sculpture.
With one front hoof raised and the wing on the same side spread forward it took some balancing out to make sure that the figure didn't get too top-heavy and topple over all the time, but it worked out well in the end.
This is the collage showing the figure from all sides. Usually I post such a collage and often an animation to show a project like this sculpture from all sides rather than bloating my account with too many different pictures of the same project. I am likely to make an exception for this project however since I took quite a few images in different setups today and just would regret to discard most of them for the sake of not showing too many images based on the same project. I hope you will bear with me if for once you are going to see quite a couple of images of the same project in a row…
Then again I dare anyone to voice protest against too much Rainbow Dash awesomeness ;)