This is before I changed Elegrace Flux's design. Her hair is completely different from this now.
Story After: Princess Elegrace Flux shakes her head, loosening her body and says sheepishly, "Oh dear, I did it again… Sorry Choco."
"No harm done," replies Chocolate, sliding down Elegrace's body. "I just don't get why you do that to me, Apple was just giving me one of her homemade pies."
A little growl can be heard from Elegrace. Princess Elegrace clears her throat, "I think I just overreacted.. as usual."
"It almost seems like when someone does something very sweet for me and you know, you get jealous or something….. waving his left hoof No idea why I thought that," Chocolate says with a thoughtful look.
Elegrace nervously says, "Ehehe… nope, not me. What a silly idea.."
Chocolate's face turns bright and beaming saying, "Aaaaanyways, can I have another hug?"
Princess Elegrace Flux eye whites change colour whenever she gets in a strong emotional state, mainly jealousy, anger, or confident. Elegrace gets rather jealous (like her Dad) when any female (not family) does something rather nice for her best friend.
Chocolate Swirl sometimes (like his mother) can figure something out, yet denies it for being silly. Must get that from another family member.