Previous >>2022138
>"When we camped out in that building…" Wallflower starts.
>"I saw her too…" She finishes, still looking out at the creature.
>"Saw who?!" Moonie asks.
>Everypony else in the room is looking at the two of you.
>"She believes in us…" Wallflower's gaze does not once move away from the window.
>"Well…" You start.
>"When I was traveling with these three we stopped at a house to rest, and while we were sleeping a pony came in, or at least she looked like a pony…"
>Home Sick's eyes widen.
>"That wasn't a dream?" She asks.
>"You saw her too?" Paradise asks.
>"No but I… I felt her, while I was sleeping. It was like someone draped a blanket over me on a cold night… it was nice." Home Sick explains.
>"Did she have green eyes?" Cipher asks.
>"Even you have seen her?!" Moonie asks.
>"I… I think so…" He says.
>"After I got attacked by the zipper worm she guided me to where you guys found me. I thought I had hallucinated her…"
>Something seems to suddenly dawn on Moonie, her eyes widen as her pupils dart side to side trying to figure out whatever her realization means.
>"Do we need to find this mare?" asks Cipher
>Moonie thinks a moment before speaking.
>"No… We keep going towards the bell, I don't think she would let us find her no matter how hard we looked."
>She opens the door to the front of the garage and steps outside.
>You help Taku to her hooves as the others follow Moonie outside.
>You gather outside.
>"Where's the green one?" Cipher asks.
>One of the garage doors opens and Wallflower steps out from it and joins the rest of you.
>She looks back as the creature rolls outside.
>Some of it's heads look at you and others look towards where the laughter went.
>All heads look at you once more before retracting as the creature rolls off in the opposite direction.
>"It just wanted to know what we were, nothing more… I think." Wallflower says.
>Everypony looks at one another, unsure as what to say about everything they just learned and saw.
Next >>2022150
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