Look at these wee pigeons?! All done up!
Normally Rosie looks like a big Death Metal marshmallow and Flurry wears her hair down, but today, they probably were requested to make an appearance
Rosequartz Lustre
-Princess of Wisdom
-Youngest of the trio
-Was actually implanted into the crystal family and is a secret changeling [more on that latter]
-Loves rock/metal music
-Usually has ridiculous metal hoop piercings protruding from her face
-Tends to be sassier with her friends Sunny Nimbus, Coral Moth, Miss Muppet and Tinker
-Head Scientist for Canterlot's Royal Laboratory
Flurry Heart
-Princess of Empathy
-The eldest daughter of Candance and Shining
-The kind but the zesty future ruler of the Crystal Empire
-Momma's favorite
-Adored and idealize by her people
-Vain but tries to never let it cloud her judgment
-Best friends with her advisor's daughter Scuttle Butt
-Prince of Ice
-Renowned poet and lover of literature and Botany
-Erotic Novelist
-Regularly interacts one-on-one with his subjects
-Most eager to impress
-Married to pegasus boxer Sage Leaf [Lord Scorpion]
-Pan/Poly and ready to party