Full name: Feather Tip
Nicknames: Tip, Feather, Nerd (Pandemonium), Book horse
Parents: Fluttershy and Discord
Siblings: Princess Aerial Dream (older half sister) Pandemonium (older brother), Entropy (older sister)
Gender: Female
Species: Draconequus / pony
Residence: Fluttershy's Cottage
Special Talent: Writing
Cutiemark: TBA
Interests: Writing fictional stories, reading, hanging out with her 2 best friends
Occupation: Fiction writer/writer for the newspapers
Other: Feather is very sophisticated and organised, much like Twilight. She enjoys bringing happiness to others through written work, but her brother thinks she is just a nerd. She gets picked on often by him when he shows up in Ponyville, but she annoys him by showing no reaction. She only has normal unicorn magic, using it through her paws, but no chaos magic, much to Discord's disappointment.
She is a lot younger than her siblings. She gets along with all of three of them (yes, even with Pan) but she doesn't get to see them often. She considers herself lucky to have 2 best friends with whom she does everything.
She is the 3rd member of the New Crusaders with her best friends Zap Apple and Thunderbolt but she is the only one that got her cutie mark rather quickly. After she got hers, she helped her friends get their cutie marks.
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NG belongs to and
Feather is a fusion of two adopted OCs from
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