_It's a cold room, probably around -20oC or -32oC. My understanding on temperature levels are really low. But, it's definitely freezing in here. I've been stuck in here for 4 days, maybe? or 5 days? Maybe even longer.
In case i forget, my name is Bleached Hibiscus. I'm 16 years old. Some ponies call me "Bleachers" or "Hibbie". I wrote this down just in case I wake up one morning and can't remember my own name. I've been having bad memory troubles lately._
I think I may be in jail. I don't understand why I am… if I am. But I doubt it. A jail shouldn't be frozen or in a freezer. Unless they are and I'm just forgetting that they should be. Besides, shouldn't i be dead by now? Surely nopony can survive in temperatures like this . Especially me. Only here with a bed that has only one blanket and a lengthy inmate uniform looking clothes. Why am I alive? Yeah, i should probably be thankful that I am. But… you have to wonder. I can't ask anypony… because nopony is here. If there is anypony here, i would love to see them, talk to them, something! In fact, I'd do anything just to see somepony else here besides me.
_I think there is somepony here though… once in a while, when i wake up. I find breakfast, lunch or what ever there waiting. It's weird looking, but it's food either way. Warm food. warm… when ever i say or think that word, i feel like i can munch down on it. Maybe heat is my food rather then the… no that's absurd. …Well..absurd things are happening…such like me surviving in this cold freezing room. I guess i should keep my mind more open. Maybe I'm somehow producing the ice — No, that's a scary thought. I won't have such crazy ideas flying around in my head… I… I need sleep.
Goodnight Myself, hope I figure out what's going on…"_ — Excerpt from A.s.L.'s self made diary.
—It seems that it's aware of its food source, heat, But is unsure and keeps itself from making it a truth.
Anything that is warm or contains heat is considered prey to A.s.L. and out of instinct, it will proceed to "ingest" it. The more heat, the bigger its meal is. Once the prey has been contained within A.s.L., the prey will start freezing, and the ice that forms on the surface will begin absorbing the heat from prey, by then if the prey was alive, it should be now dead from extreme frostbite. The way A.s.L. eats is bizarre, it seems to be able to push prey straight into itself, rather then taking food in from the mouth. the main part of A.s.L. is speculated to be a sort of frozen liquid goo. The icy mist A.s.L. seems to produce is a sort of knock out gas, making prey fall asleep if it inhales too much of it.
Until we can find a way to cool our body temperatures, communication or contact with A.s.L. is prohibited.
How she became like this is a mystery to us, but if we can find the reason. We should be able to reverse it and finish A.s.L.'s production. If A.s.L. continues making the journals, we might have to get rid of it.
We can't keep refilling her with ink and risking the same incident that happened a week ago. Ink acts as her blood. It's all we had at the time. —- Dr. Maresy (head supervisor of The ink shop) 7/1/2012
I know what you're thinking, "SCP!!". It's cleary obvious that this character was inspired off of those things.
but actually this was inspired off of something completely different, the scp thing was just a big resemblance. I wanted something that would make some go "lol, wtf?" or "this seems..weird". but it's what ever floats your boat.
ugh, long…text…
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