Yes the title was inspired by "Maybe I'm a lion" from FFVIII
Okay so… this popped up in my head after watching a few clips of Zecora. So aparently from what i've read (from other bronies and such) Zebras are the blacks in the MLP dimension. Well me being African American, my mind starts thinking. (which is against the law in my book) "so okay, If Zebras are the blacks in the mlp universe. Then there is no way i'd be a "regular" pony" and by regular i mean everypony. Zecora being the token black. Supporting the me being a Zebra if I did live in the mlp universe, I'm considered to be this black and white. white mother, black father. I also like the colors black and white.
Also the pegasus thing…yea i have no excuse for that. The only reason is because i took a quiz thing a while back and i came out to be best as a "flying" thing. flying zebras? blaaasphemy ..yea i don't know.
also i've heard some can't tell if Zecora had a cutie mark or not, i'm just going to assume that the swirly thing on her ass is the cutie mark. To explain why I have a cutie mark.
it's a pencil crossed with a pin over a book. because a video game controller preferably the n64…would probably be a weak talent. yea…destroying everypony in a game of Super Smash Bros to the point where they have to all team up against me would not probably be an acceptable talent..
so yea anyway. I'm more then likely of being a zebra in MLP. Equestria…what ever their planet is named.
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