Welcome to the Miracleverse! AKA, the Disliked Ships AU, but I don't use this as a platform for hate. While the universe is slightly… twisted, they are all options that could have happened in the main TFIMverse. They're a chance to do things with the… standard ships that people have, and using them in new ways, as well as a platform for interesting characters. I want to do some different things with the designs, so I may note the standard designs I tried to avoid with each design. These designs have been done for… an embarrassing amount of time, so expect a lot of the designs at once, I finally decided to upload them. This one was drawn in February the 5th this year, same as Maigold and an upcoming filly.
CM: https://starryoak.deviantart.com/art/Pastel-Parabola-CM-608487618
Pastel Parabola is the daughter of Soarin and Rainbow Dash, and I am so fricking proud of myself for this design. Because if there's one singular thing that gets me every time with Soardash foals is that, even with a literal rainbow of colors to pic foals from, the same designs are almost universal. A white pegasus with Soarin's mane and rainbow streaks in the full rainbow or just some, White coat with rainbow mane, rainbow manes always the same as Dash, or pieces in the same order or rearranged if someone's feeling unique, occasionally with Soarin's mane color as their coat color.. generally the same windswept mane… it gets on my nerves. Not that people are bad to design them, and some of them are great, but it gets old. Which is why I love finding Soardash foals with unique colors, even if I loathe Soardash. Pastel Parabola is an Earth Pony, as well, since I headcanon Soarin's father as an Earth Pony. She's got the mane colors of her grandmothers and several of her family members, as well as her mom's blue, lighter. Her bow is her mother's mane color, her eyes are Night Glider's colors.
Pastel here is a lot like me… she has OCD, but it's not incapacitated by it. It's just that she has to do things in certain ways, certain things have to be where they have to be, she checks things, and worries about her mane a lot. She's no fashionista, but a stray hair out of place in her bun is unacceptable and so she keeps her mane up well. Some mistake this for a love of manestyles, but she couldn't care less about how it looks besides being properly in its place. Ok, so I may have misspelled 'incapacitated'. I meant 'not exactly healthy but functional in most situations'. She's not crazy, she's just got OCD, and there's nothing wrong with her. She just has her ways of functioning. It's just that that proper place is a specific style and must be that way. She's an accountant, which isn't exactly the job her parents would have wanted, even being an Earth Pony, her parents were never any of that kind of disappointed, and they aren't disappointed in her.. just, not what they expected. Growing up, Rainbow Dash tried to get her to race with her in the Running of The Leaves as a filly, but that ended in her trying to sort out the fallen leaves after everypony else dashed by. Soarin hoped, with her math, she might be weather factory material, but she doesn't like getting wet, and the uncontrollable nature of weather upsets her, so she settled for normal accountant work. She has an abacus matching her mark in her office that she fiddles with to put it in the right order, never actually using it for its intended purpose. She's a bit of a shut in, but she's not a social pariah or fears friendship, she has friends, but she spends time in her office more often because it's her space and her comfort zone. She's not incapable of functioning outside of her comfort zone, but she'd prefer to stay in. She still makes friends and keeps in touch, but her finicky nature can get her odd looks. Her family life is a bit strained, not in any way bad or anything of the 'Rainbow hates her because of her not being the daughter she expected' stuff, it's just a bit hard for her parents to relate to her interests. She's a mathematician and accountant, and they're Wonderbolts. It's not like they share many common interests together, but they do love each other and do get along. They just have lots and lots of awkward silences.
Soarin and Rainbow Dash are a real work couple; they work best together during flight and training, their shared interest in their jobs as Wonderbolts is a key piece of their relationship. They love to talk about their routines and weather, and share a love of cloudwatching, they obsess over the same things, but when separated with their common interests, they can have some issues getting along. Soarin's more laid back nature sometimes grates on Rainbow's nerves, and while his confidence issues are endearing, sometimes she is frustrated with her husband's motivation issues. Soarin doesn't always like how Rainbow Dash pushes him, and in the same way his does, her laid back nature can get on his nerves too. Sometimes being laid back is something they do together, but sometimes their interests clash and the lazy route the other takes is frustrating. But they still love each other, especially when they're soaring hundreds of feet in the air, performing risky stunts for crowds of thousands.