Foxtrot is a feminine stallion and his main profession is dancing. He is Pastel Goth's boyfriend and she sometimes does his makeup before a big performance. He knows many different types of dances but one of his favorites is ballet dancing. He's currently trying to teach Pastel how to dance but is having trouble since she's not a very good dancer. But he doesn't give up on her and wishes that one day that she can perform with him.
When in private, Foxtrot does erotic dancing and strip tease dances for her. Also while the two are in a happy committed relationship with each other, they both have a friend with benefits: a goth stallion. Since both Foxtrot and the goth stallion are bi, the two ike to make out and tease eachother in-front of Pastel.
Upvotes at import: 57 | Stars at import: 40 Posted previously at: 2019-07-26T17:43:36 | Posted previously by: icey wicey 1517
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