A simple vector done for Who requested a Rarity with Saffron. Raffron, he apparently calls it. Sound's to me like Scooby-Doo tryin' to say her name but hey. Whatever tickles his pickle. Personally, I'd ship Saffron with Pinkie Pie if anyone but only 'cause I wrote a shitty clop-fic about it a few years ago for a mate's birthday.
I have no idea what an EQG Saffron Masala would look like so I kinda just made it up. Slapped pony Saffron's Mane on an EQG noggin'
Adapted screen cap vector blending elements from S06_E12 — Spice up your life and EQG_Short — Festival Filters.
Colour palette sourced from: MLP Vector Club. and screen cap where applicable.