Page 447 — House of Mirrors
So, the Patreon page I set up two days ago has already reached its two meager milestones. I guess that means I should come up with more milestones and maybe some rewards as well, but this thing has already exceeded all expectations, so I’m struggling to think of things. Regardless, I’m exceedingly humbled and grateful.
The ads on this site will be removed once I’m sure this pledge system works (which should be at the end of the month), and I’m currently looking into podcast hosting sites for Fallout is Dragons (the next part of which will be going up this Saturday, due to a strangled upload speed at my new (old) place).
Transcript:Rainbow Dash: No nonsense. Lots of fighting. Sounds… pretty perfect.
Applejack: That’s what we’re sayin’, sugarcube.
Rainbow Dash: Like it’s been… tailor-made for me.
DM: Eheh… Well, y’know… In some respects…
Rainbow Dash: No, no, I get it. I’m just the bruiser, right? No need to make things too complicated for me.
Twilight Sparkle: Woah, wait a minute.
Rarity: Oh dear.
Rainbow Dash: I’m just the dumb fighter. Can’t wrap my head around this roleplaying stuff…
Fluttershy: What? No! How could you say that?
Pinkie Pie: Doom spiral detected! DEPLOYING EMERGENCY HUG!!
Rainbow Dash: Oof!
DM: …Did I miss something?