Page 465 — Preemptive Hysteria
Player paranoia can either be a hindrance or an opportunity. Sometimes, it's the DM's job to create traps where there weren't originally so that the players can feel like they were right.
And then you drop a second trap on them, immediately afterwards, just when they thought they were safe.
Transcript:Rarity: I suppose I owe you all an explanation.
Applejack: Finally.
Rarity: For the past week, I’ve been in Canterlot under an alias. A very public, very delicate alias.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh, I see! You’re Rarity to us, but to the nobles you’re somepony else. Verrry interesting!
Fluttershy: And… that means you can’t be seen with us. We could potentially blow your cover.
Rarity: Y…Yes, exactly. If anyone asks, you don’t know me, and Rarity is still in Ponyville.
Rainbow Dash: Who’s gonna ask? Seriously, if my interview with the Wonderbolts proved anything, it’s that being the Elements of Harmony doesn’t mean crap in this town! Where’s my world fame??
Pinkie Pie: And another thing! We don’t wanna go to their party, and I’ll bet they don’t want to go to our party either! You’ll be fiiiine.
Rarity: …Suddenly, I don’t know why I was so frightened before.
DM: Gee, just take the wind right out of my sails why don’tcha.