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This illustrates the second Age in The Cosmological History of Equestria.After the first great battle and temporary death of Discord, Celestia and Luna healed the burning earth and began anew the task of creation.
In this second Age, they created creatures out of mere matter through the uteri of their own bodies, but found they decay quickly. They then created creatures that could repeat themselves, and in a short time repopulated the earth.
In the next chapter, which is currently in production, Celestia and Luna would slowly discover the secret of reproduction, and create souls and incarnate them into certain creatures.
This story, in a distorted form, appears in-universe, known by modern ponies and some other creatures. See notes on pony marriage history:At the beginning of the universe, there were the sisters Celestia and Luna, on the Akun Mountain. There were no creatures under the heavens, so they discussed about becoming married [to populate the earth], but felt it might be improper. So they climbed to the top of Akun, set up two smoking fires, and chanted, ’If the heavens permit us to become couples, then let the smokes converge; if not, let the smokes diverge.’ and the smokes converged. Luna thus came to Celestia, covering her face with a fan made of weaved grass, and they became the first couple. They devised the rituals for proper marriage, and taught them to the creatures that came after them.
I am roughly inspired by the legend of Fuxi and Nuwa.Fuxi and Nüwa were the original humans who lived on the mythological Kunlun Mountain. One day they set up two separated piles of fire, and the fire eventually became one. Under the fire, they decided to become husband and wife. Fuxi and Nüwa used clay to create offspring, and with the divine power they made the clay figures come alive.
Notes on the frames:
Frame 1: Celestia and Luna, being the spirits of the sun and the moon, overexerted themselves in the battle, which was reflected in the sun and the moon showing signs of crumbling.
In Equestrian astronomy, the sun and the moon are roughly of the same size, and orbits the earth at roughly the same altitude (give or take an order of magnitude).
It was not their intention to cause this widespread destruction, but the sun and moon were young and inexperienced with moderation. Discord, being the Careless God, did not hold anything back either.
This was also when the Elements of Harmony were first used. Later, Celestia and Luna would refine their control over the Elements, casting them into magical artifacts that are more controllable and moderate in power.
Frame 2-8: Originally, I planned to draw them in one long panel, read from bottom to up. At the bottom, there would be Celestia and Luna taking their first steps. In the middle, them again, and at the peak, them raising a fire. Above that, two pillars of smoke, whiche intertwine at the very top of the frame.
This proved confusing to read, so I scrapped it.
The frames 2-4 and 6-8 are supposed to slow down the reader and give a sense of time passing.
Commissioned from kvernikovskiy.
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