Page 1219 — Backseat Lying
As mid-session twists go, you could do a heck of a lot worse than "A bigger, much more immediate threat has appeared, making the crimes of the villain you've been targeting almost seem like small potatoes."
We finally have another Spudventure and, at that, a new update of The Forgotten Ones, our 5e Dungeon of the Mad Mage campaign!
Spudventures — The Forgotten Ones, Session 4: Podcast | Video
Transcript:Chancellor Neighsay: WHERE is Headmare Starlight?!
Ocellus (TS): Does, uh… Does it look like Cozy Glow was expecting this?
DM: It's hard to tell from behind, but she certainly flinches and doesn't answer for a second. Then she's back to smiles and upbeat cutesy-wootsiness.
Cozy Glow: Oh golly, she's away on a quest! I'm watching the school for her!
Sandbar (AJ): <facepalm>
Chancellor Neighsay: Magic is failing across our land, and she left a FOAL in charge of this facility?!
Gallus (RD): Wow, yeah, maybe shoulda thought that one through, Cozy! Before you went and did a coup!
Cozy Glow: …Yes sir! Is there anything I can do for you?
Smolder (RT): Aaah, no! I know it's the only card you have, but now its not the time to be cute and helpful!
Silverstream (PP): Wait, now we're on her side?!
Smolder (RT): I can't help myself when someone's fumbling the grift so badly!
Yona (FS): Yona think not much Cozy COULD do about this.