UPDATE: 10/7/2019 — Changed up the lighting effects and lighted everything up. Original version >>1721351
'All those magic and friendship lessons just part of a 'long con,' of Starlight Glimmer to gain alicornhood. With Trixie's by her side she used her new found power to take Equestria for her own. All that's left is to do now is do away with the princess. Her preferred method being something that has Ms. Lulamoon a little freaked out. Twilight and princesses are to mummified alive and sealed away in sarcophagi forever by the newly crowned Princess Starlight Glimmer. A fate Trixie could face herself if she was ever to 'misbehave,' as Starlight's kinky sex pet. Not what she probably had in mind when she helped her lover take over Equestria. Twilight can only glare at Starlight in anger as while the first layer begins. Helpless to fight off the encroaching magical bandages with her magic thanks to an anti-magic horn ring. They will work their way up her individual limbs, including the wings. Soon all of her limbs and her torso will be wrapped. Just like Cadance, now looking a little worried about that bandage starting to wrap her head and face. All the while the first layer winds it's way up her upper torso and upper arms. With her wings fully wrapped, her magic suppressed by an anti-magic horn ring, and her arms now being bound together behind her back, she has no way of getting out of this situation. A situation that's about to get more dire as the second layer of bandages begins. The larger, thicker bandages wrapping themselves tightly over she hooves. Soon enough all of her limbs will be bound together in a single wrapped form. Something the former princess Luna is now experiencing in the peultimate mummification stage. Helpless as the bandages are about to wrap over her eyes, completing the first layer. While the second layer of bandages wraps over upper torso, binding her limbs and wings together. Soon enough she will be completely mummified much like her sister. Fully wrapped form head to hoof in bandage, Celestia is completely helpless. Powerless as she is lowered by magic into a sarcophagus made just for her. Soon to joined in her fate by the other alicorn princess. Mummified and sealed away in sarcophagi forever as part of Starlight's successful plot to take over Equestria.'
A request for of "Starlight taking over Equestria by mummifying the princesses."
The result of two months of work. Mostly because the time I have to work on things is the weekend.