Using this sketch as a reference, made by winddragon24
And now, as I promised, here is the complete design of the backbone of The Legion of Doom's growing power: The Tiracian Soldiers.
The big brother of their smaller, drone counterparts.
Given what part of their genetic makeup is, it isn't all that hard to imagine these things working like Insects. That includes there being drones, and soldiers (among others yet to come). Soldiers, however, are far stronger, and tougher than drones. Mainly because AS soldiers, they're literally made for conflict, and war. Still made of the same thing as other Tiracians: Changeling DNA to allow for molding their forms while they're being created, Chimera cells to give the beasts a venomous stinger, Yeti, Ursa Minor, and the more dominant gene being Dragon cells for strength, and durability, as well as flight. And naturally, they're empowered by dark magic tied to Grogar's own essence, combined with Tirek to give them power. They can not only fly, and lift fifty times their own weight: they can fire dark magic as projectiles in differing ways. Orally, like an atomic ray or any ray used by kaiju, as dark orbs that can be fired out of their hands, or in the form of dark lightning fired from their foreheads, or just beams should they get desperate. They can also summon blades made of this same dark energy for battle.
And as is expected of all Tiracians, they are autonomous beast who only obey their creators, and will carry out their bidding until the objective is completed. They are as ruthless, and brutal as they are relentless. Once they are sent after something, they don't stop for anything. They have no need for food, or drink, or sleep. They just have a hibernation period inbetween missions, which they can easily awaken from once called on, or if they sense anything without a shred of dark magic in it, aka anything not of the Legion. Even the fear of death cannot deter them, and will not prevent them from fulfilling their master's will. They are the ultimate soldiers, superior to all others in Equestria.
And in time, they will remind all of Equestria why they once feared the Dark.
(Pretty much the Insecticons, as some folks put it, AND The Garthim of The Dark Crystal rolled into one. A very lethal, and dangerous combination, I have to say. And i'm sure you guys, gals, and inbetweeners can all agree.)
Again, the original sketch used as the base for this is owned by winddragon24 and only them.