We wish all of our fellow bronies and pegasisters in India, that may you have a wonderful and memorable celebration of "Festival of Lights" or "Diwali". Saffron Showers is with you in celebrating this wonderful occasion.
Also, I want to use this opportunity to reach out to all our Indian bronies and pegasisters. Project SEAPonyCon recently launch it's initiative project called Project Saffron, it's goal is to help our Indian bronies and pegasisters to build a strong community bond by the "Magic of Friendship" of the show MLP:FiM. So, if you are from this magnificent and diverse country and willing to join, visit projectsaffron.org and be part of this amazing project, because we believe that friendship is shouldn't be just for one nation, and with that, no nation should be left behind.
11/7/18 — Added on Equestria Daily's Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) #2792
Project Saffron Website: projectsaffron.org
Saffron Showers original design by stpinkie and EMositeCC
Currently owned by Project SEAPonyCon and Project Saffron
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic © Lauren Faust / Hasbro