Originally posted on: November 12, 2015Apologies for the lack of uploads, been playing some call of duty and Halo…now Fallout 4…very awesome game, just started playing, really grabbing my attention squeals like a little girl mechanics and storyline are amazing…anyway gonna draw something else after I help my mother with the garage sell, gonna do that, draw another MlE pony before playing any Fallout as punishment for not drawing anything. Seriously I use to be a real addicted gamer that couldn't be beat, now I just suck at video games(kinda) really interested in the plot then the fighting stuff or whatever now…practically thinking of drawing my fallout character and draw a pony version of her for that "Fallout: Equestria" thing I keep noticing. It'll probably help me out with gun related weaponry, seriously need to work on that I rarely draw guns sadly but don't worry.
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