Here is a small part of something massive I'm working on, If I can pull it off and haven't bitten off more than I can chew then this will be the absolute largest thing I've ever made, probably going to take a while to, but as they say, Rome wasn't built in a day…
Update 20/4/11:
Added one tower and made a few minor changes/fixes, will probably put the project on hold for the royal wedding this Sunday as I'm sure they'll be loads of stuff I'll want to vector from that episode.
Update: castle (what I assume to be) gatehouse finished, tower No.1 added… getting there…
Update: added tower No.2 and a… purple thingy (gatehouse completed).
Update: added tower No. 3 and a few minor details, don't worry about the grey background It won't be there in the final model
update: added a new tower and various small thingys
not provided yet