base Strawberry-Spritz
Sparkle will be add when my sister makes her new reference
Astral Breeze by Nighty-Drawz
Rainbow Dash
Married to Queen Twilight
Rainbow is currently a wonderbolt’s trainer. He decided to choose that so he can spend more time with his family, he’s a really good father and his attitude changed (still kinda competitive tho) when he was a girl, he married to Soarin at a really young age, but that marriage totally had no love. Soaring cheated on ‘her’ and even had a daughter with Spitfire. That totally broke rainbow’s heart which was healed by (at the moment) Princess Twilight. Twilight used to had a little crush on rainbow when they were little and maybe she had those feelings yet but she just won’t admit it. The time passed and Dash was the same but Twi noticed something else, ‘she’ was acting kinda different in a more ‘masculine’ way, even cut her hair, she always was like that in the past but when she got married she started to act more feminine and such, that’s why it was so strange to Twilight. They started a relationship, both were and are really in love with each other. One day, rainbow confessed to twi that he actually never felt good being a girl, he felt trapped in a girls body. Twilight of course support the decision of Rainbow of changing his sex, and with the help of Celestia now he’s a male! And he lives very happy aside with his wife and his kiddos. Rainbow adore his kiddos with his whole life, he doesn’t have a favorite one but he really have a special bond with moon since he raised her literally alone.
Queen Twilight Shine Sparkle
Married to Rainbow dash
Twilight is the youngest on her family, since both of her sisters Celestia and Luna are pretty older than her. (Yes on my au they are sisters) Twilight didn’t met her parents since both died on a war when she was just a new born, she was raised by Celestia, her oldest sister. Since childhood twilight never liked at all to be a princess so instead of going to a royal school, she decided to go to a school on ponyville, there she met her friends and her first crush, rainbow.
When she was older enough, she moved to Ponyville and well, she didn’t wanted to get married since she tought that was just a list of time buuuut Rainbow appeared and that all happened. She adores him and they actually have a pretty loving and healthy relationship.
Twi is a really happy pony, but one time, she got pregnant by surprise and that devastated her. She was so stressed and her pregnancy wasn’t easy. That made her to start devolving a really deep depression. She just wasn’t the same, she spent hours on her room crying, she didn’t eat, didn’t talked to her kids or her husband… Rainbow was really worried for his wife, he just wanted her to be the same but then as a surprise again, the baby was born. Rainbow tought that that would make Twi feel better but it wasn’t like that… the baby born as an alicorn, that made twilight even MORE stressed since she knew how hard was to raise a baby alicorn, so she developed postpartum depression. Wich made her to reject her little daughter, at least she was able to recover and be the same again
Moon Roseanne Lumina
Crush on Shining Ray
Moon is a happy, shy and kind pony. She can be a little grumpy sometimes as well. She was born as an alicorn and is the current successor to princes Luna. She’s really interested on astronomy and things relationed to the space. Moon was raised by her dad so she has a really strong bond with him, she also has a good relationship with her mom but’s not as good as with her father since deep in her heart, she thinks that her mother doesn’t loves her and that’s why she didn’t took care of her when she was little. Since she was born on ponyville, she just doesn’t act like a princess. She has 5 best friends, Chocolate Sprinkles, Magnolia, Esmeralda, Daniel and Shining Ray. She liked spending the evening with them or doing fun stuff thogheter. When moon turned 12 she went to study to canterlot so she could improve her magic and also start to do her labors as a princess. She went back to ponyville when she was 15, actually, it was a 15th of April (Moon’s birthday) when she returned home, but what all noticed is that she wasn’t the same… she was cold, distant and not even spoke as much as before…. what happened to moon?… no one knows.
Astral Breeze
Dating North