Well if it isn't. The bottom flank heavy mare Ms. Learning Curve, prepped and ecstatic to teach the next valuable lesson or physical/aerial trick to her students. The fusion of Cheerilee and Spitfire graces us with a pretty little plot heavy pegasus/earth pony mare who's stamina suits her studies and her ability for action as fast as her wit on the educational level. Her motherly counseling and ability to educate as well as train makes her indeed the best coach/teacher one could have by there side. Don't let the pudginess of her behind fool you, cause she can still bolt past you in no time flat.
She is by all means an absolute physical and knowledgeable champ in all regards.
Now equipped with a pair of cute socks that match her eyes, she is hilariously starting up a more sultry and sensual attitude around her colleague's at school. It certainly makes for a funny entertaining scene, watching the male pony professors choke up upon seeing the mare waltz in to complete the lesson and further educate students, all the while the poor ponies in the same department gaze at the suggestive poses and positions the naughty mare is having.
I'm pretty sure RT is starting to regret giving the mare those socks a bit now that she sees what Learning Curve meant by "educational purposes" the naughty mare. X3
Done by RainbowTashie