Breathe in, breathe out.
The words echoed through Eris’s mind over and over as she stared up at the enormous building in front of her. She could feel her paws start to shake and her throat start to dry, and it was a major effort to even take one step toward the massive structure. She kept listening to the words in her head, taking a deep inhale and slow exhale, but all this seemed to make her more nervous.
She turned away to face her mother, who was simply smiling down at her. She didn’t share her daughter’s fear in this moment, but Eris could see she understood exactly how she felt.
“I was the same way,” Fluttershy put one of her wings onto Eris’s back to comfort her. “I was so scared, I couldn’t even stare at the thing. But you’re lucky, Eris. You won’t have to worry about bullying like I did.”
Eris tilted her head in confusion, which prompted Fluttershy to continue.
“Back when I was just a little filly, different types of ponies would have to go to different schools. I had to go to the School of Flash and Flight.” She paused for a moment, as if she were remembering her times there. “It was a school for young pegasi who had powerful wings and wanted to pursue a career in racing or something close to it. Of course, I was belittled for my weak flying ability, and hence, lost my self-confidence.”
“Oh, that’s so sad!” Eris said, now upset by her mother’s tragic school memories.
But Fluttershy’s smile didn’t leave her face. “It’s okay. I’ve forgiven the pegasi at my school, and they showed regret for their actions. But as I was saying, That was when I was a filly.” She put a hoof to her chest to accentuate the difference. “Times have changed for the better, and now there’s a school where any child can go, pegasus, unicorn, changeling, hippogriff, you name it!”
“What school is that?” Eris asked, now having an urge to go to whatever school her mother was talking about instead of this one.
“You’re standing right in front of it, dear.” She giggled.
Eris turned her head back to the school. It suddenly didn’t seem as scary as when she had first arrived, and she became aware of other fillies and colts that stood around her. A sense of relief hit her like a wave crashing into the ocean. She wasn’t alone!
“Feel better now?” Her mother asked, and Eris nodded quickly.
“Very!” She hopped up in the air.
“Well then let’s get you into this school, shall we?”
School of friendship background by Hasbro. Everything else by me.
Next: School-Pony Crush