Yes. Kirin Smolder.
Smolder: I'm not sure how I feel about this.
Ocellus: What's wrong?
Smolder: I mean, I basically switched out my claws, horns, and wings for a horn, hooves, and hair, and I'm not sure if that's a fair trade. Also, walking on all fours feels so weird.
Sandbar: What do you mean? You make an amazing Keurig. At least you have your fire powers.
Gallus: Did you already forget the name already, sand-for-brains? She's obviously a carrot!!
Silverstream: I thought she was a Kleenex.
Yona: Not-dragon-anymore friend is obviously a coral-pony. See? Coral on top. (Based on the fact that I've had someone think the kirins were ponies with coral on their heads.)
Ocellus: You guys, she's a kirin!! Did you already forgot the time the kirins visited the school?!
Smolder: *starts smoldering*
Ocellus: Smolder, are you—
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