An image from last night in my Equestria dreamscape that I wanted to get down on paper. Recentlyintroduced my to the Mongolian metal band The HU. In particular the piece Wolf Totem.
Something about their singing style reminded of what dragons sound like when they are speaking or chanting in their native tongue. So last night I had this point in my dream where Applebloom was in the Dream Realm. In particular she was in the shard that is where dragons go when they dream. She was standing on butte overlooking a vast plain of sand, rock, pools of lava. A steady wind stirred up great clouds of dust, ash and sand.
One by one dragons began to emerge from swirling clouds and landed around the butte until dozens surrounded it. Some almost a hundred feet long. Then they began chanting a song similar to Wolf Totem while stomping and pounding their paws on the ground. All the while looking up at filly who was slowly pacing around butte looking down at them with a stern look in her eyes.
Then her shadows flowed up her body and formed the outfit she is wearing. She proceeded to launch into a series moves of that were a combination dance moves and practice katas. As she went through the movements yellow-green fire started to flow around her.
After a minute or so black bat wings emerged from her back and she launched herself into sky above the plain. Rolling, twisting, turning and diving she flew above the assembly. The dragon started chanting louder. Finally she summoned her great scythe of black obsidian and started swinging it in great arcs.As she did beams of yellow-green energy burst forth striking the ground miles. The ground erupted in great gouts of fire, rock, and earth. The dragons cheered at this demonstration. The performance ended with her twirling and twisting around the scythe like a gymnast until she landed once again on the butte top. The dragons roared and shot great gouts of flame into the sky.
Then the filly remembered she needed to get up for school, and she began the process of waking up before the alarm clock went off.