1. She absolutely and utterly adores her father, but Athena is a mama's girl 100%.
2-3. Some older portraits of this lovely gal. (Obviously those ears of hers grew as her design evolved over time lol)
4. Because of her rather important education in preparation for her role as Royal Adviser in the future, Athena spent quite a bit of time in Canterlot, learning from the greats. However, despite living in a time of peace between many species, she still catches the whispers of a judgmental filly over her permanent lack of a cutie mark. Or her antlers. Or claws. Or legs. Take your pick.
5. Despite the fact that her chaotic magic is temperamental, finicky, and sometimes sticking a little on too neutral side, Annie does manage to grasp elemental and spectacle magic rather well, especially as she gets older. When trying to create the coolest concert this side of Manehatten with best friend Jetstream, Annie can offer an array of sparkles, stars, real fire, fake fire, so on and so forth (and, honestly, it does really make him look more impressive. But don't tell anypony that).
6. "Okay everypony, let's step back and breathe, eat some chocolate, and figure out a logical solution. No, its not not pepper chocolate this time. YES PRIZ, its Horseshey's! Jeez!"
Annie often steps in as peacemaker when voices get raised a little too high and brows furrow a little too tightly. Her eloquence, empathy, and encouragement often help soothe ruffled feathers, but when its not enough, a solid scoop of ice cream or delicious bar of chocolate usually does the trick (cause everycreature be hangry).