The Beauty Curse has an upsetting effect on Queen Luna. She feels unloved, unneeded. Her solution was to have children, because she believes only a child will truly love her unconditionally. She has had many, many children, with many mares and stallions. To the point that being the child of Luna is unremarkable and unsurprising. Luna is often seen pregnant with her latest child, who she will attempt to nurture as lovingly as she can manage. Her children do love her, so I suppose her efforts were not in vein, but she still isn’t truly happy. She feels alone amongst a crowd, unloved among her many children. Each day her heart grows colder.
Sapphire Moonlight
A queen needs an heir, and Sapphire Moonlight is Luna’s. Daughter of Luna and a lowly changeling called Thorax, Sapphire is to be the future co-leader of Equestria. Her royal counterpart would have been Tequila Sunrise, but life had other plans for him. She is currently being trained by Luna and Celestia, as well as several other specialized ponies to prepare her for the throne. Honestly, it’s all very stressful. Despite the many important things she does and needs to do, her main concern is with her current form. She’s still in stage 4A of her development, an adult changeling sure but she has yet to ascend. She needs to feel, embrace, and give love freely in order to change into a colorful beauty like the Crystal Queen Chrysalis. Being half pony doesn’t ease her worries, it just amplifies them. Can she ascend? Can she get a cutiemark? Unfortunately there isn't enough research on pony hybrids to answer her questions.