Name: Minstrel Custard Nickname(s): Min, Minny (only certain people can call him that) Age: 25 Birthday: November 20 Parents: (EqG) Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon Siblings:Dulcimer Taffy (younger brother) Spouses: Philia Agape Armet and Sheltering Hooves Children: Poison Sweets (daughter), Pixie Monster (future daughter), Ladybug (future daughter), Farnam Mouse (future son) Personality: In a world of sunshine, rainbows, friendship, and love, Minstrel Custard sticks out like a glaring black hole. The complete opposite of what most ponies stand for, he is a cold-hearted, sadistic killer. He has no reservations about taking the lives innocent young ponies for his own twisted ends, being nearly devoid of empathy and far removed from sanity. It’s a miracle anyone would love a murderous psychopath like him, but Minstrel somehow managed to end up with a pretty loving family. His spouses and children are the only ponies he feels any genuine love and empathy towards, but even they know he’s a pretty sick fuck.
Upvotes at import: 10 | Stars at import: 7 Posted previously at: 2020-04-24T15:44:39 | Posted previously by: kindheart525
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