In the time that I have been on DeviantArt I had first struggled to find anybody willing to take a chance on me. Such talented artists whom have been either highly underrated or have been unseen by many on his site. Though this page has gained a small audience interested in the fusion, transformation, body horror content, I feel that a plug for all those that I have commissioned has been well in the making. The following is a piece dedicated to all the amazing and lovely artists whom have been able to craft and illustrate most of the amazing artwork you see on my page. To you artists whom are mentioned, I wanna thank you so so much for everything you have done for a random person like me, being able to bring life to this small universe of mine.
Thanks to: :iconcandyclumsy: :iconnancy-05: :iconkhaki-cap: :iconcactuscowboydan: :iconrainbowtashie: :iconprincebluemoon3: :iconchedx: :iconappleneedle: as seen in this image
As well thanks to all those whom I am currently working with or have previously worked with: :iconbrokententacle: :iconeternaljonathan: :iconkozachokzrotom: :iconlight-of-inirida: & :iconmulti-commer: :iconxjenn9: