Nicknames: Serena, Noodle Girl, Pretty Girl
Gender: female
Parents: Discord (father), Fluttershy (mother)
Spieces: draconequus-pony hybrid
Special Talent: Flower magic
Occupation: Florist, Animal Sanctuary Worker
- First kid of Fluttershy and Discord
- She has two younger siblings, Anarchy and Mayhem
- She was named by Fluttershy, while her siblings by Discord
- While her mother loves animal, she loves plants like tree and flowers
- In her pubescent years she started having carving for apples. It got worst when she got older, to the point she had to stay away from Aunt Applejack's apple orchid and learn to control it. Turns out the small amount of vampire fruit bat in her mother got passed onto her and got amplified by her draconequus part. If she looses control she turns into a vampire fruit bat draconequus for short time
- She got a pet tree called Twee (she named him when she was a small kid). When she was young she cared him around in a pot, until he got so big she planted him in the backyard of Fluttershy's cottage
- One of her importent possession is her flower manepins, as they were foalhood gifts by Mirage Moon
- Her magic mainly based on pony based, but she is capable of creating chaos like her father, but not want to do so
- She loves her uncle Zephyr Breeze a lot, not realizing how much Zephyr was scared of her when she was young.
- As an adult she has a flowershop, but as she hates cut flowers she only sells poted ones. As a request she also sometimes tends to the flowergarden of the Canterlot Castle
- She is caring over others, to the point she can be a worrywart
- She has the fear she accidentally hurt someone, either by words or actions
Finally getting around to more properly introduce next gen kids. I'll try to focus on that in the upcoming days.
Probably I'm going to write more to the bio later on.
I mentioned somepony here, Mirage Moon. Yet to introduce her, but she's Starlight and Trixie's daughter.