Starved Bug Queen — Chrysalis Day 2020 Feel like I should mention, while I didn't made an update post about it, my laptop's (aka my worksation) adapter busted on me on Saturday. Fortunatly, I had a spare one that was compatible, so I could use my laptop until I get a new adapter. Unfortunatly, my graphic tablet didn't like the lower watt adapter and the pen would pazz out.
I as I wanted to do something for Chrysalis Day, I decided to draw it traditonally and than fix it up digitally (after I got the new adapter).
As of writing, I got the new one, so everything back to normal.
(Btw, about the prevous two drawings uploaded before this one. One of them I draw around two weeks ago, the other I somehow managed to finish with shaky pen in time for the upload and it was painful X'''D).
Upvotes at import: 80 | Stars at import: 46 Posted previously at: 2020-06-03T20:18:28
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