Gather around people, and let me you tell the tale of /r/bronyhate…
Once upon a time, in the magical land of reddit, there existed two subreddits.
One was /r/mylittlesupportgroup, a subreddit that existed for the sole purpose to help anyone, brony or non-brony, in need of a place to vent their personal issues, be it emotional or physical.
The other was /r/bronyhate. A subreddit that was partly spawned from the expansive internet bullying shitfields of /r/cringe and /r/cringepics, who loved to circlejerk all day long over how much they hated anyone who enjoyed My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (we're not even talking about "rabid bronies" or whatever here, the majority of their user base pretty much despised anyone who liked the show).
One day, several users (including at least one moderator) of /r/bronyhate thought that it would be "funny" or "entertaining" to go over to /r/mylittlesupportgroup and post comments encouraging a suicidal person on there to KILL THEMSELVES. The support group staff and several users quickly ran to the reddit admins, notifying them of what had happened, and almost immediately, those users were banned and /r/bronyhate was put into a state of probation.
The quick action was due to a moderator taking part in their raid, and the admins would not stand for a subreddit moderator condoning, much less participating in such an event. It's also a rule (as stated in the above screenshot) that cross-subreddit raids with the intent to be malicious or vandalize on reddit are not allowed.
If /r/bronyhate did something like that ever again, the subreddit would be banned.
Today just so happens to be the day when /r/bronyhate did it again.
The lesson to be learned here is that if a website admin tell you to not do something, the last thing you should ever do is to do it. Apparently, /r/bronyhate couldn't get that little fact through their skulls. It also goes to show that if you spend your free time bashing people who like a thing, you need to take a step back and reevaluate your life priorities.