Guest Author's Note: "Beware the fury of a Game Master denied his triple-meat pizza, for rocks will fall and everyone will die."
Newbiespud's Note: This is the first in a whopping seven-part series. Enjoy!
GM: -And the dragon crushes Daring Do for 37 damage! Daring Do: Ugh, medic! Nurse Redheart: Kinda busy trying not to die over here. Didn't you have three healing surges left? Daring Do: Two words: Grim. Tooth. GM: Cheerilee, take 29 damage from its fire breath. Cheerilee: Fan-freakin'-tastic. Well, this fight is on track to yet another TPK. Trixie: And this is why we don't eat the GM's slice of pizza. Cheerilee: Like I knew he'd throw a freakin' tantrum over it. GM: I call it justifiable homicide! No jury in the world can convict me! (silence)