He held on to something and pulled out an orange gemstone. The trio looked on with awe at the green dragons talent at finding it, and made it look so easy. The greed dragon sat down on the floor, looked down at his prize and took a bite out of it. Okay guys, the green dragon spoke while chewing his gems, whats up?
"Whoa, thats a really cool trick," Sharp pointed out.
"No kidding, I could save so much time not cracking empty boulders," Magma added on.
The green dragon gave a small smile, Well it certainly helps me survive down here, I guess the lack of sight made my body buff up its other senses.
Spike shook his head, Wait, survive? Are you stuck down here too? he asked.
Munching away, the green dragon nodded, Im not sure how long, lack of sunlight messes with my sense of time. Could be days, weeks, a month or two, Im not sure. He said with a slightly strained voice.
"Howd you end up down here?" Spike asked.
"Im guessing a cave in," the green dragon replied. "I had fallen asleep in a cave with the rest of my group, and when I wake up, its still pitch black. I guess Im a heavy sleeper since I mustve slept through the whole cave collapsing around me. Lucky I didnt get hurt, unlucky that I wind up alone in the dark."
"At least you survived pretty well on your own," Magma noted.
"I suppose so, my body adapted to it rather well; improving smelling so I could find gems in the low light, and now my mind is creating hallucinations so Im not alone."
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