-Taek you're a brute! -… -As Granny Smith says, it's all fun until someone loses an eye -Frozen, you cant die! -What does anyone think pay me? "Take the gun" said Big Mac … -Drop her! We need to take her to a hospital! -Girls, please! -No!, She's mine and I'll take care of her! -Girls! Im finally here … -Oh no! They started again! -Comet! Hur …! -BUBBLES tak! -HELP! -EEEEEEEEK! -That was fantastic! BTW: With Ponycard we have 12 months without interest on your purchase Dont you think we need to look for the girls Comet…? Comet? The salary of a month in apples!, If I knew it was a bad idea to go out together, but nooooooo!, "Let's just make some apple pies" they said … "What can go wrong?", I thought …
Frozen Rose fans, don't worry … The ice pony isn't dead!, She only suffered serious injuries nwn
Upvotes at import: 7 | Stars at import: 3 Posted previously at: 2014-05-03T19:21:03 | Posted previously by: taekwon-magic
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