Ambushed by her sister in their throne room, Celestia never expected what had happened. When her sister became Nightmare Moon, Celestia found herself unable to harm her sister, instead going for the Elements of Harmony to banish her. But Luna had foreseen that option, and had stolen away the key, the Element of Magic, long before confronting her sister. The ensuing battle left their castle in ruins, and Celestia gravely wounded.
Long into he war Celestia still could not bring herself to harm Nightmare Moon, still believing there was a chance to save Luna and restore order the the land. It wasn't until the razing of Canterlot, and the betrayal of one of her closest students that her disposition changed. Celestia will stop at nothing short of destroying her sister to end this war once and for all.
Upvotes at import: 153 | Stars at import: 102 Posted previously at: 2014-07-06T17:04:37 | Posted previously by: RuinedOmega
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