Movie Slate: No Discord, you got it wrong! This is the right one!
Discord: Wait a minute! Thats the right flag? Like, for real the right one!?
Movie Slate: Well, yes. Whats wrong with it?
Discord: Well, I thought my meanness knew no bounds, but even for me that flags design is going a little too far.
"Seriously though, I think this movie is really memorable, incredibly well acted, very well directed, and it looks amazing. But its weird how every now and then there will be a silly scene sneaking in between war heavy dialogues, endless speeches, and battle scenes. I know they are going with the idea of making Patton a sympathetic human being, but sometimes it gets needlessly (and unintentionally) funny.
One thing to point about this movie though, do you remember the iconic scene where General S. Patton is standing in front of a massive American flag? Well, that flag was made, stitch by stitch, by Spanish production designer Gil Parrondo. It was so good and such a strong image that it earned him an Academy Award, becoming the first Spaniard to ever win an Oscar.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go fireproof the roof. Your fireworks last year were so spectacular they almost set my own world on fire. Happy Independence Day to my dear American followers!"