I'm usually not for heavily referencing things unless I'm referencing my own drawings or pictures but you gotta do it sometimes right? Well, actually, I do use references quite a bit when trying to get a style down as you can really learn a lot from observational drawing but I don't like posting them. Howeverrrrrrrrrrrr, I really liked this one. It's from that one scene in "Three's a Crowd" with Aj and Rarity around 8 minutes into the episode. I LOVED the poses! It really stuck out to me in that episode for some reason. They just looked soooooo……….. horsey? Decided to come back to it and (attempt) to draw Claire and June in the same pose :) MIMICKING THE SHOW STYLE IS SO FREAKING HARD ADSKFASDFLKSAJGLKSDFKLKHGAS I can't ever get the muzzles rightttttt. Plus I never really realized just how low the bottom lids of the ponies' eyes go. Learned somethin' new
No dialogue for this one, but you guys can go for it! They'll be featured as usual :D I read all of the dialogues you guys come up with in the comments and boy do you guys nail these characters. Y'alls are so clever :3 You write them better than I do sometimes…………..
Reference Picture: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/304/d/f/image_by_kilala97-d84qx8z.jpg