Rarity: So do you know what it is yet? Darling, I must know!
Sweetie: Rarity, I'm not that far along yet I don't know giggles
Rarity: Oh but I'm just so excited! I want another niece or nephew to spoil! Foals are just so cute! And you know how Claire is. She's not showing any signs of wanting to have kids
Sweetie: Well, why don't yooooou have a baby
Rarity: Oh heavens no! I'm not going through that again! Plus I'm getting a bit old…..
Sweetie: giggles It's alright, sis
Pixel: walks in the door, head down
Sweetie: Hi, Pixie. Are you alright?
Pixel: I guess…
Rarity: Are you alright darling?
Pixel: hugs Sweetie's leg
Sweetie: Hey, talk to me brushes Pixel's mane
Pixel: Claire's mad at me
Rarity: Oh….
Sweetie: What happened?
Pixel: I messed up
Sweetie: Go on
Pixel: Me and Api and Echo visited her store. W-we played around and….. I knocked over a case of her jewelry….. and she got really mad….
Sweetie: Oh, Pixel, you know not to play in stores….
Pixel: groans Claire hates me now. More than before
Sweetie: Pix
Rarity: I assure you, Pixel, Claire does not hate you. She loves you very much
Pixel: There's no way
Rarity: She does, sweetheart. Don't take it personally. Claire is just……. not very good….. around small children. She's just scared that she might hurt you so…. she yells. I am very sorry.
Pixel: …….
Sweetie: Just because sompony yells at you doesn't mean they hate you. Right, sis? smirks
Rarity: rolls eyes
Pixel: looks at Rarity and Sweetie What, mommy? Why're you looking at Aunty like that?
Rarity: ………
Sweetie: When Aunty Rarity and I were younger, I used to spend a lot of time at her house and shop. I was very……. clumsy. But I always wanted to help Aunty with her job. I messed things up…. A LOT. And what happened Rarity?
Rarity: I'd get mad….. And yell…..
Pixel: Really?
Sweetie: She sure would! And for the longest time I thought that she didn't really love me and thought that she thought I was annoying and thought that she didn't want me around.
Rarity: But I did. I loved Sweetie and still love Sweetie with all my heart. It's just that I would get angry in the moment. That didn't mean that I hated her.
Pixel: I didn't know that….
Rarity: Just give Claire some time. She'll figure it out. And I'll talk to her.
Pixel: Okay smiles Thank you Aunty