Artist's comment:
Lucky: Hey Amber have you seen my What are you doing?
Amber: turns around and hides something behind her back Hey Lucky. What's up?
Lucky: Um…… nothing. What are you hiding?
Amber: Nothing. What'd you need?
Lucky: Don't change the subject. You got some dirty magazines? I won't judge
Amber: No! Those are hidden way better
Lucky: chuckles C'mon tell me
Amber: pulls out a small, stuffed toy It's…….. just a stuffed animal.
Lucky: Oh I remember that one. You've had it for a while now
Amber: Mmhm. He's pretty old. Starting to fall apart
Lucky: looks it over Why don't you just sew it?
Amber: I don't know how to sew. I'll probably just take him somewhere to get him fixed
Lucky: I can fix it
Amber: Really?
Lucky: Yeah. I can actually sew pretty well
Amber: Since when?
Lucky: …………….. I….. don't know actually. But I'm really good. Hold on, let me get my sewing kit. runs to room
Amber: Sewing kit?
Lucky: get's back Here we are. Can I see it?
Amber: ……… are you gonna hurt him?
Lucky: Hurt him? No I won't
Amber: ……………. hands it over
Lucky: So what's "his" name?
Amber: Noooo, it's embarrassing
Lucky: Oh please, Amber. I just want to know my patient's name
Amber: mumbles Mr. Breezie
Lucky: Ha, that's really cute. I like that
Amber: ………
Lucky: Alright, let's get started
Amber: grabs Lucky's arm
Lucky: Hey, I can't fix him if you're holding my arm
Amber: groans and lets him go
Lucky: begins to stitch it together So……….. Mr. Breezie means a lot to you, huh?
Amber: nods
Lucky: How come? If you don't mind me asking
Amber: My parents gave him to me when I was born.
Lucky: Oh wow. Didn't know you had him that long.
Amber: Yeah. We've been through a lot together.
Lucky: Yeah?
Amber: Mmhm. chuckles Used to pretend I was a doctor and give him medicine and stuff.
Lucky: That's adorable. Is that how you got your nursing career started?
Amber: ……………… yeah. Yeah, I guess.
Lucky: That didn't sound that convincing
Amber: Well, it was a start but I wouldn't say that that's the reason I'm a nurse now
Lucky: What was then?
Amber: My mother
Lucky: Was she a nurse?
Amber: No
Lucky: She just inspired you to be a nurse?
Amber: In a way I guess she did.
Lucky: That's nice
Amber: Yeah….
Lucky: Well, you did a great job keeping Mr. Breezie healthy. Eighteen years for a stuffed animal is a long time. You were a good nurse as a kid
Amber: Not good enough
Lucky: Well, here you go! All better! hands Amber Mr. Breezie
Amber: smiles Thank you, Lucky. He looks good!
Lucky: No problem, mum
Literally my whole weeeeeek DX Steven Universe and Gravity Falls man. And the Pokmon episode I was talking about! I wanted to hug Musashiiii! MY bby! PLUS I didn't even know Phineas and Ferb ended! I've been watching that show since it first came out and kinda just stopped watching it for some reason. Then I heard about the Act Your Age episode like, in January. I totally forgot it had came out in February. So I watched it and found out it was the finaleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
BUT BRUH. STEVEN. UNIVERSE. All of the recent episodes have just been full of feelsss!
Anyways, enjoy some Amber and Lucky. I just finished my midterm so Imma try get back into the drawing thing haha