" The Pegasi are a proud race that derives from the same larva as Trolls do. However the tertiary legs grow into wings during the pegasuss development. Learning to fly for a foal can take from minuets to weeks. Pegasi are able to beat their wings 15 beats per second if they choose. They are very sensitive and heal at an incredibly fast rate. Some Pegasi are known to decorate their wings and tails with tattoos, piercings or a number of other ways.
Unlike their genetic cousins Pegasi have soft fur which acts as insulation while in high altitudes. They live among the asteroids floating in the atmosphere of Centrolypus. Evolving at such high altitude the Pegasi have gained a unique magical trait that allows them to require less oxygen then other races. A Pegasus can even survive in the vacuum of space for a while.
Pegasi consider their military to be the most efficient in the galaxy. While they have no true army small teams are often dispatched for missions. Their ships are among the top military assets in the galaxy, consisting from Massive Battle Cruisers to single piloted skimmers."