Full name: Chromatic Chromie Bastion
Submitted by: longbow73 (Chromatic) / Anonymous (Bastion)
Date completed: May 5th, 2015
deviantArt: http://bluesparkks.deviantart.com/art/Blue-Spark-Forge-Chromatic-Bastion-531233083
Sadly I couldnt nick the color scheme I wanted to mostly because it meant she would be predominantly brown. I know its ironic to have someone named Chromatic colored with not-the-whole-rainbow, but I wasnt shooting for a Dash kinda look. In hindsight I guess I could have made the central gem iridescent. Perhaps another time?
Shed really you rather just call her Chromie, though. Shes comfortable with such familiarity.cough
Definitions (from Dictionary.com):
chromatic (adjective)
1. pertaining to color or colors.
2. Music.
a) involving a modification of the normal scale bythe use of accidentals.
b) progressing by semitones, especially to a tonehaving the same letter name, as in C to Csharp.
bastion (noun)
1.Fortification. a projecting portion of a rampart orfortification that forms an irregular pentagonattached at the base to the main work.
2.a fortified place.
3.anything seen as preserving or protecting somequality, condition, etc.:
a bastion of solitude; a bastion of democracy.