source description:
Name: Kokoto (Meaning "pebble" in Swahili)
Nickname: Koto
Gender: Male
Species: Zebra
Mother: Zecora
Koto is the biggest mystery in Equestria. No pony knows who his father is, and Zecora will not tell. Most assume he is just another zebra who Zecora met on her trip to visit her homeland, but many other ponies believe Koto was a creation from a voodoo ritual pregnancy.
Rumors spread around Ponyville when they found out about Zecora's child, which led to those superstitious to become a bit timid around Zecora again, worried she might use voodoo against the townsponies if they spoke the wrong thing to her.
But as most know, Zecora is a kind hearted, wise pony, and would never cause or wish ill-will upon the ponies of Equestria, and although there are still those who secretly belive in the voodoo pregnancy, the ponies have accepted to the fact that they would never learn the father of Zecora's child.
Koto is 100% zebra like his mother, and was also raised to speak only in rhyme.
He lives in the Everfree Forest with his mother.
Stamp — TrackPad User by firstfear
Stamp — MSPaint User by firstfear
Kokoto :iconipandacakes:
Base by: :icongabbypaint-ponybases:
MLP:FiM :iconhasbroplz: