Before reaching the humble little town of Ponyville, Nuk and Obi must cross the bridge over the stream that seemingly borders all of the village.
Nuk gets across with no problem, but Obi, being the Elephant that he is, is much too fluffy for the bridge to handle.
So rather than risking property damages, he decides the best thing to do is cross the stream on foot.
Nuk then makes a remark saying how she didn't expect the bridge to hold him anyway.
Obi definitely thought it was worth a shot.
Previous Page ———-→ Friends of All Sizes — Page 5 — Onward to Town
So yes, after an entire year and a couple weeks, I finally resumed this comic with 5 brand spankin' new pages!
The first one is this one here, the rest at the moment still need to be colored, but they'll be up soon.
I'm so excited to show what is going to happen, because from what I've seen or haven't seen so far is something like this: An Elephant visiting Ponyville.
Really, I have not seen any mega fauna visit Small Colorful Horsey Town as of yet.
I'm glad that I'm possibly the first one to make this sort of idea!
Thank you all for waiting patiently for this to be resumed!