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Here's the complete reference for my OC, Parcly Taxel. It took me around an hour to space the letters in the captions (typeset in Junction) correctly, but paying attention to typographic details is always worth it. The SVG source is here; Parcly's other traits follow.
Kind: Female alicorn
Birthday: 4 December
Age: 22
Hometown: Chalk Ridge, on the south-eastern edge of Canterlot
Occupation: Luna's right-hoof princess, dreamwalker and research scientist at the Commonwealth University of Equestria
Talents: Primarily synthetic chemistry and spellcasting. She can also shape-shift into any other living creature if she wants.
Backstory: see here
Cutie mark meaning: A hexagon for chemistry and the arms of a spiral galaxy for systematic knowledge
Personality: Introverted, curious, detached from most ponies (Luna and Spindle are two exceptions), organised in her work but more laid-back in other areas, very sensitive to the world around her
Sexual orientation: Lesbian
Likes: Wish-granting (she's a genie!, vector graphics, astronomy, travelling the world, experimental music
Dislikes: Video games, parties (of the type Pinkie throws), ponies who don't know what they're doing, weapons, herself (sometimes)
Quirks: Protanope colour-blind (cannot distinguish between dark blue and some shades of purple), has Asperger syndrome
Relationships: When Parcly got her cutie mark, Luna saw the then-unicorn's potential and brought her into the shadows; she incepted into her star charts, a bestiary of nocturnal creatures and a direct telepathic link so she would not feel so lonely. This had the side effect of darkening Parcly's irises, which were once cobalt blue, into a midnight purple.