Another stupid idea I had for an engineered Changeling. This creepy goober is a "Sprite."
Generally speaking "Sprites" are deployed as scouts during times of war. Their compound wings allow them great speed and enhanced VTOL/STOVL capabilities. The strange webbed tail and head piece also allow for manoeuvres that would be impossible for the average Pegasus to perform. While they are fast and agile, they are not as well protected as a "Listener" and a well timed magic attack from ground forces has the potential to do serious damage. Nevertheless, "Sprites" represent a serious danger to the Equestrian military. Their multiple pupils allow them to see in great detail from great distances, and an unwary Pegasus sentry could find himself turned into lunch without ever knowing it.
Because they are easier to engineer, "Sprites" represent between 7 & 13% of the Changeling population.
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